God heal and bless Sujan S with complete healing, protection, restoration of her health. God heal her emotionally, mentally and physically. God heal for good liver and good kidney, heal her osteoporosis.heal her back left hip bone. Strength to her bones and body & good skin and good appetite to gain weights and absorb nutrition well. No side affect from medicines & ease her allergy for less mucus strengthen her lung & immune system & produces good urine that all is well. Good lab test result God nourish her body & good circulation of her feet & increase her energy and use her walker for smooth daily walking & keeps her back straight. Grant her joy, and good night sleep. God’s words nourish her to give her peace. God bless & Strengthen her adult children’s work .Thank you.
Lord I thank you for my life . I came before you to ask you on the behalf of my nephew Pierre Michel Essou
Pierre Michel Essou