I ask for prayer for myself,Nikki.I gave my life to christ in 1999.I am recovering from a once in a life time fight/war with my family.They are unsaved and my dad was mean everyday for 6 months because he was bored and a territorial and because I was happy without him and my family.They left me after my son drowned and didn’t bother to ask how I was or help in any way and I prayed and prayed and prayed and somehow survived that and a heartattack and 2020 and trump and I give credit to God and my faith in him.I got another job that is a higher callibar cook job and a different flow and I just started so I have new job jitters and I am just begining to heal.I found out I have to leave my house of 20 years by around aug 1 which is fine but it is going to take me a while to figure out where all my old kids stuff should go. I am being judged somewhat on how I act and I am not myself and my family is like that crazy ex boy friend that just doesn’t get it that you have broken up with him and just keeps showing up.And then to woo me by being so horrible and thinking that is somehow how love works?????
I feel upset because I am weaker because I have had to stand my ground and stick up for myself and I am pissed I look like a asshole but I had to stand up for myself.I never do.I ask for prayer for me to have privacy from my family while I heal and figure all this stuff out and to be strong again and be healed spiritually mentally physically and emotionally.For another evening cook job so I can pay for my new apartment and octopus hands to move.I ask for protection spiritually mentally physically and emotionally. I ask and pray for protection for huge huge love and peace and for the disgusting fighting to stop and for people to be accountable for the desperately need it to calm down.
Ty so much for prayers,