Dear Lord,
My twin brothers life took a crazy turn and there is another woman involved who is married with kids.
I don't know her intentions, only you know. Two relationship has been damaged and life of other person is in the adge as well. I am asking you Lord to guide and protect my brother Peter. Please open his eyes to the truth and make him strong to go through everything that is coming his way. Only you Lord know if that woman he has fallen for is the right and true woman for him, and if she is please help him let it happen but if she's not Please make it brake it somehow or put someone on his road. Only you my Lord can make this happen. Protect my brother for what he's blinded with that love towards other woman, he's obsessed with her.
You can only make it be or not to be. Don't let anything bad happen to my brother as sometimes his mind is weak. Make him strong and have faith and courage in his heart. Please protect Peter and my parents who are suffering because of him too. I am begging you my Lord . Amen 🙏
Pray to let go of the past and failed relationship and to find Real & healthy love so I can build a peaceful happy