That I a. Able to refinance my home quickly and invest it before the economy crashes for safety of my family and to send money to the Holy Land. Lord protect the Hoky Land. Fir Jackie Hiutton to be happy were she is living..For the blessings God has given me will keep blessing me and my family. For wisdom Financialy ,Spiritually ,emotionally for my family and friends. That the little person who was abducted today is ffound on the amber alert. For all children to be protected . Protection for oi r Priests. For conversion of our children and tmJodys daughter Hanna to grow her hair out a n.v d bot look gay. Gor herceyes tut o be open..lord show our family how to do everything according to your will. Healing of Jody's marraige and my marraige and my vanessa barrage, Olivia bradys marraige. For my children living wrong God CV orrect them. For Selina and that boy destroying her becseoerated and Hanna from the friend bl8ding God as wel. Fir continued healing did my mother and brother. For all.souls in purgatory and for dmDobald Trump success . For Godyo o bles him and Anthony.. for Fr. Ciro to be blessed a n.v d get him home safely. Ernie healing and Yvonne from drugs and alcohol and for Frankie to stop drinking and Steven and Anthony. Fir Abthony not to want pot anymore or Samuel. Mercy Lord on all your people . Gor those evil.proplectaking children and using them in sexual stings please Kord let it be revoked and save the children. Fo bot allow men to molest little child re en anymore. Please Lord or women please dtopmsll that ssd sickness. Do hot allow dick laws to pass sex with k7ds. No! Kord we your faikthful.people say No! Lord. No more! Thank you for hearing me. Thank you Lord. I love you.
Please pray for my health, protection against bad health, and the success of my new business. I thank you, Jesus, for all I have.