ABBA FATHER HERE I AM AGAIN SEEKING YOUR HELP FOR MY BROTHER WHO NEED HIS BIRTH CERTIFICATE A NEED FOR A BREAKTHROUGH BECAUSE I DONT FILL THE FORM RIGHT FOR HIS BIRTH CERTIFICATE HE IS STAYING WITH US FOR FREE AND HE IS A MESS PLEASE HELP WE NEED HIS BIRTH CERTIFICATE FOR HIS OWN APARTMENT;social security;medicade card he has food stamps;we can do this with you in it so can please help my brother get his own life with you JESUS also I seek myself freedom from my husband only you know my reasons please I need my own place with you in it I need you to renew my strength like eagles because I am still working and it’s tough working at catapillar you meet all kinds of people they stay and go and I am staying because I need to pay full price on rent for my new apartment called pecan grove in seguin texas;I hope it is in your will for this AND ALSO YOUR HELP;for my whole body inside out to recover from my past history LOOKING FORWARD FOR YOUR DIVINE HELP AND PRESENCE IN MY LIFE AND MY WHOLE FAMILY AMEN; THANKYOUJESUS THANKYOUJESUS LET GOD BE MAGNIFIED INTO OUR LIVES AMEN THANKYOUJESUS THANKYOUJESUS INJESUS THANKYOUJESUS THANKYOUJESUS AMEN THANKYOUJESUS THANKYOUJESUS INJESUS!
Ich bitte um Hilfe für meinen Bruder Philipp, für sein ungeborenes, dass es getauft wird. Für seine finanzielle Lage bitte ich auch um Hilfe