God, I know that I only feel the way I do about Henry because I feel like he put us in a bad situation, but I know we would have been in a bad situation regardless. I don't know if I'm right or wrong to be mad at Henry, if I did the right thing and got it unfairly turned around on me, or I was careless and arrogant and Henry was right to end our friendship. We're in a bad situation and Henry is involved. I want to forgive him, to love him again, and to get out of this situation. God, I need to put all of this in your hands, for good or bad. Maybe we'll sell the house soon, or maybe everything will go wrong and we'll wind up homeless. I can't handle all of it alone anymore. I need to put it in your hands, and the only thing in my control is whether or not I can forgive and love Henry. So I have to do that, and give it my all, no matter what happens to us.
Ich bitte um Hilfe für meinen Bruder Philipp, für sein ungeborenes, dass es getauft wird. Für seine finanzielle Lage bitte ich auch um Hilfe