I'm asking to stand with me for my daughter, Rachel Harrell, to receive the job God has for her in her degree she received for Business Management. She is now working in banking and it is as if she is depressed to go to work each day. Pray that she will be at rest in what she is doing now and trust that God has her In the fire front of His presence and He is mindful of her heart desire. Also pray with me for my decision in retiring from my job of 24 years. I know that this is my desire to retire next year and I am asking for prayer in this next phase in my life that me and my husband will be on one accord in this decision that I'm looking forward to see come to pass. My husband has already retired in 2017 and I am praying that he will look to God as our source and not at my job as our mean of survival. I'm trusting God each and everyday that I stay focus and trusting in Him to being my Lord and Saviour.
Financial blessing, Divine healing, business successful