Please Lord we beg Your forgiveness of all peoples for we are sinners. We’ve hurt You for so long. Fallen away and didn’t know Your ways. Your Truth. Your life. Generation after generation has turned away from You. They don’t even know how to seek Our Father. We’ve failed our children. Your children and I humbly beg Your mercy and forgiveness for all most especially those who claim to know You.
We’ve miserably failed seeding Your good news. Our leadership is often despicable and I believe we are at a major crossroads I know we are not to prevail without Your intervention and Your mercy for those faithful calling up to You.
This battle of life or death especially hear in the land we know we were blessed has become so inflamed. We are encountering the impossible with leaders determined to kill Your, our future generations. America is free to fight this and we are facing powers and principalities that seek to destroy life, family and love of all that is good and right in You. From cradle to grace the message is to promote love of self over awareness of You who created and sustains us. I pray a conversion for all to turn up to You and beg Your mercy so these nefarious doers of evil are exposed and their determination to destroy us to destroy you is crushed. Please avenge us Your faithful so this victory of Yours will be felt world wide and evil destroyed and life flourishing.
I also pray for all of our health especially those most in need like Richard Solberg and my mother Helen Durham and all of those on our prayer chains. For our priests and religious. Please banish the smoke of Satan that has entered the church. And please be it your will make all measures like our prop 1 here in California be rejected and let the world know we don’t stand for murder Your children or any life from conception to natural death. That Fr Vaughn say yes to Your Adoration return. Please also thank you for protecting all of us especially those seeking to please You and submit to Your will. Please let us see the path forward in mission and open the door at the sounds of our knocking. We love You and pray in Jesus name Amen