I pray that Justin Drew Bieber and I, Sylvia Zuhair Jonna, get married in the next few months in the holy Catholic Church of St. Thomas, despite our 10-11 year age difference (I am older) and that God will give me a miracle and give me back the years the locusts stole…so I’d biologically be as young as Justin Drew Bieber now…and that Justin Drew Bieber and I will have a forever lasting healthy marriage full of true love, happiness, good health, communication, trust, respect, I pray we are always faithful and loyal to one another and all the saints and archangels including Micheal, RAPHAEL AND GABRIEL…PROTECT OUR MARRIAGE FOR THE REST OF OUR LIVES. ALSO I PRAY ST ANNE WILL MAKE US THE BEST HUSBAND AND WIFE TO ONE ANOTHER AND STAY TOGETHER IN PERFECT HARMONY AMD FIDELITY FOR THE REST OF OUR LIVES. I PRAY MY HUSBAND JUSTIN DREW BIEBER AND I WILL HAVE MANY CHILDREN TOGETHER THROUGH THE INTERCESSION OF ST. GERARD. AND LIVE A BEAUTIFUL, SACRED, FRUITFUL, SELF-CONTROLLED, SIMPLE AND HAPPY LIFE TOGETHER RECIEVING THE FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT TO BE STRONGER TOGETHER AS HUSBAND AND WIFE..That we will be business partners also and always do albums together as husband and wife, always affectionate and loving and caring and giving thanks to God for our wonderful and blesssed Union. Thank you lord!
Dear Lord Jesus please restore my marriage and find me a way out of this disastrous business.