Lord, can you find my lost baby that was kidnapped at birth and return them to us. Please vindicate my truth no one knows. I was about to marry their father but everything has been broken beyond repair please restore our relationship and the marriage we were about to go through with if it is right in your sight. Please help me with enemies at work and in my personal life. Please restore everything that was taken from us by the enemy or our own mistakes. Please heal my mouth, teeth, gums, jawbone it has become so bad and painful it costs more than a new car to fix please heal the infection in my bloodstream and foot. Please heal the chronic pain in my muscles. Please heal my mom of diabetes. Please heal our finances. I pray for the restoration of my family. I pray that I am healed of fear. I pray that our homes, and jobs, and transportation are all in your hands and protected, I pray we move in the direction you want us to go that we are never out of step with you. Please protect my children. Please heal my depression, anxiety, insomnia, and adhd please heal my children’s afflictions. Please let the gifts you have given me grow stronger and let me be a vessel for your glory. Please let me and my family be blessed with many acres of good fenced land for crops and livestock. Thank you for all you have done. I know you have promised me something, I know it will happen already but I pray everything will go smoothly and everyone will be healthy inside and out for all 3 of us. Please help my sister and her boyfriend they are having trouble getting on their feet also please help me with my end of this. Please send my special person home safe and sound from that awful place immediately. Please help me to know you better and when I speak help the words I speak of you bring you more followers and your lost sheep back. Please protect all of us me and my family as you know we are in a very unsafe situation. Also please make sure my special person knows my truth is real. He refuses to believe me without real proof. I only know because you showed me what happened. Let our greatest dreams come true. Help us to make it to heaven when it is our time to leave this earth. Amen.
Cerere specială de rugắciune pentru fiica mea bolnavă Dragắ Tatắ ceresc, Dumnezeul nostru cel mai milostiv și milostiv, te rog sắ ai milắ de
Gesica Maria