I pray and request prayers for me and the close circle of my direct family, my beloved Wayne and Saffee. May our home and leaving space/spaces always be a haven of love, peace, abundance, happiness, and beauty. May that beautiful cabin in the mountains manifest and come forth. May our vehicles, transportation, and travels to work and farther be surrounded by angels and the Holy Spirit at all times, may our journeys of exploration of distant lands be full of wonder, adventure, joy, and safety. May our lives all be long, venturous, eventful, and may all misadventures, cataclysms, and tragedies be averted and spared. I extend those blessings to my extended family, Evelyn, Norma, Carlos, Yamila, and Pablo, who deals with spiritual dilemmas and yet has an incredible capacity to care for and protect others. Over me and all of my beloved and over all our lives, careers, jobs, properties, dream, and projects; I plea the holy blood of Jesus, the brand of His name, the infinite and everlasting power of His birth, life, ministry, death, and resurrection; Father, Son, Holy Spirit; the intersession of Holy Mary, Saint Joseph, Saint John, Saint Jude and all the saints in Heaven. May all those powers plus the fire of the Holy Ghost, and God's omnipotence Itself, stand in the way of and crush all of evil and witchcraft, past, present, and future, meant to hurt and destroy. May that protection grant us a multiplication of our blessings even higher and particularly in those areas that cause the hatred and the envy of the enemy, and may their curses return to them multiplied. In the name of Jesus, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit I pray and request the kind prayers of my universal brothers and sisters, and the anointing of these prayers on the Stone that held Jesus's precious body and blood, for their complete fulfillment, amen!
That I have ultimate success at my job getting 100 QA scores on every call that I’m graded on in this month of December