Dear Heavenly Father, I beg and beseech you to know and Forgive my past sins as well as those to come. Father the demon gave permission to a neighbor, who took something I said completely out of context . Took my job record from a former boss and used it to embarrass me because I would not go to him.. Now he and the mechanic have plotted to turn everyone against me. Because the mechanic believes he is high and mighty and supposedly has had more than one affair, has turned all against me. Also he has given me a UTI and our youñgest will not get a job and move out . Our oldest soñ needs to go back to work but due to Covid, their is a serious lack of employees that are interested in their own jobs.My husband lives for the drink and has Alot every night. Between our youñgest drinking and drug usage and the husband and his drinking it gets to be a little much.We also need rain and are heading into a drought.Please send every Angel you can spare, some Archangels even yourself to come here and get rid of him and his curses.
My name is Mark I'm praying for my relationship with my family unit to be restored praying for total restoration in the name of