Almighty GOD, please restore my marriage to my husband Joshua. Soften Josh’s heart so he may have more faith in you and our marriage. Let his fear of giving us a second chance disappear. I pray we do not divorce one another legally or spiritually. I pray that he desires in his heart and spirit for us to reconcile. Let us conceive children together and adopt as well. I pray the darkness, resentment and anger covering his heart and mind disappear. I pray he returns home to me. Please God work in the hearts of both my spouse and myself (Linda), softening our hearts and helping us to see each other with love and compassion. Please bring us closer together and help us rebuild our marriage on a solid foundation of love, trust and commitment. May we both seek your will and strive to grow together in love always. Amen
FATHER, WE OUR COMING TO YOU NOW IN THE NAME OF YOUR SON JESUS CHRIST, I am asking for ÿour deviné intervention in Andrew