Pray with and for me to find gainful employment soon. I was laid off of my job for no apparent reason – the excuse was lack of upcoming work; the next week after being laid off my position was being offered on job boards. I have been job hunting since March 2023. I went through 2 complete interview processes with no offer. I am unsure if my previous employer is giving me an unfavorable status or my previous encounter with the police over 37 yrs ago is the problem. I was told years ago that my record was sealed and clear but I have recently applied for an expungement just incase as No one has told me my background check has shown anything. Now I need this expungement to proceed quickly and my record cleared as I only have a few more weeks of unemployment left.. I need to find a job that I will enjoy preferably in the area as my mom is almost 90 and would be left alone with several health conditions. I was making over 95000 a year but my area is low balling me. Pray that I get a better job in the area with a better pay and work environment.
I need a better job ASAP.
Praying in the name of JESUS
What God ordained for me and my husband will never overturn. Cease desist, remove marriage paperwork from my husband and his cousin. Lord Jesus
