Dear lord, thank you for helping me thru my miscarriage and protecting me. Lord please guide my mind, give me strength and peace. Guide me to make the right choices in life. Help my family to grow closer, for Andrew peace, focus and away from temptation. Help my family to get the house we deserve and able to afford it. Help me to get a steady guarantee job, that can meet all my financial needs. Would love to have a work from home to better suit my kids needs and lifestyle but whatever you see fits with me lord. I'm trusting you. Iam exhausted, weak and need you with me and help me improve my life and grow into the woman you made me to be. Help me to not have to ask nobody, not struggle, and financial set and for I can help others as well. Guide me into the right career path and school as well so I can make something of myself. In Jesus name… Amen
I pray for Healing my left side stomach and left side hips is paining I think there’s a growth and my Australian PEV Visa