Dear Lord,
Please help me with my two court cases against my ex husbands that I may win the case and get justice. May I get back everything I’ve lost.
Heal my children that they may see the truth and love me back the way I love them.
That I may get Julia and Jordan to live with me.
Guide me in the business that I should do and be successful with it. That finances will never be a problem to me ever again.
Bless me more so I could share my blessings to others also esp to my family.
That all my loved be always safe and healthy.
Give me a good hearted man, who’s fit and good looking, loyal, and will love me for me and take good care of me.
Querido Señor Jesús Dios, te pido por Camila Fernanda Abasolo Quispe, para que ilumines su mente y alivies su corazón de tanto odio y
Camila Fernanda