Dear Jesus and Mother Mary,
My prayers were answered!! Thank you for the acceptance of my daughter, Mary Stephanie on her way to Pediatric Residency at PGH. Please continue to guide her each day and avoid her thinking negatives thoughts about everything. Give her strength, persistence, patience and to do well on her way to a successful career.
I would also like to request that my husband, Steve Dofitas will be well and healthy including myself, my daughter, Stacey that she graduates on her senior year this year and pls take good care of my 2 grandkids, Ki and Mulani. Continue that they will be smart and good kids in school. Help us financially for there are times that we are broke. Always be with us wherever we are. Our guardian angel please watch over us. Amen.
Heavenly Father hear our prayer. Bring everybody to your table Lord, to truly repent of their sins and follow your guidance on a rich