Please pray that Vilija finds financial security stability and endurance strength to secure a very successful new career with great increase in income and benefits and opportunities for growth development and change. Where leadership respects Vilija for her hard work ethic and skills. Please pray that Vilija finds inner peace calm wisdom knowledge and new resources and connections to build solid relationships with new career opportunities. We need a financial security and stability position where there is room for growth. Please pray for clarity and direction. VIlijas previous employers continue to invade her privacy space and set up roadblocks to prevent her from progressing. Please eliminate all current and future roadblocks that interfere with her future plans of a new career. Please eliminate all toxic work environments and people. Please protect her current job until she is able to find a new position. Successfully with a smooth transition.
Please pray God miracle breakthrough and merciful heal my ovaries, heal my womb, heal my eggs to naturally conceive my husband sperms, ensure healthy