Dear Lord,
You know my heart and you know that I don’t chase after riches of this world.
However, the last few months were filled with financial struggle which caused my depression, which prevents me from seeing all the blessings I have in my life thanks to You.
I humbly pray that you make the seemingly impossible come true and that you make Ian’s business thrive again, so that we not only have enough money to pay the rent, bills and buy basic needs, but that we can also support our church and donate money to those in need.
I pray for abundance of money so that we can go to see my mum this Christmas.
I also pray for Ian’s healing.
I pray that you help me eliminate my depression and that you help me build a successful website business and get the first real client(s) this year.
Remember Lord how you said that we must believe that everything we ask for in prayer we will receive and it will be ours? I DO believe wholeheartedly. Please hear my prayer.
Blessed be your name Lord Jesus Christ for you are the Almighty every-living God. Thank you.