Dear, beloved Lord, I don’t know what to do about my husband. He has been emotionally destroying me for many years, constantly shouting, demanding something from me and the children. I don’t work because I didn’t finish university, and we have three children. He refuses to pay for new higher education for me. He says I would need to give up the dog for that. Please, solve the problem with the dog. Give me more energy and diligence. Please solve the problem with my husband; I don’t know how one can live like this. My children and I are constantly shouted at. I also, under this constant shouting, lose my temper with the children. He says that I lie—I lie because I am constantly stressed that he will start shouting again. He tries to build parenting on prohibitions and authoritarian rules. If there is a conflict somewhere, he doesn’t take the children’s side but the side of strangers. He doesn’t want to pay for their education or drive them to activities because he doesn’t want to spend his time on them. Lord, I live with him because we have a house, and it’s materially better for the children and me, as I have no education. He insults and isolates me and my family. Please, Lord, come into his heart and make him a kind, good person. If his heart is so hardened and he wants to remain as he is, then give me financial means and take this person away from me and my children. Please, solve my problem with him in favor of my children and our family, or take him away from us. You know best; decide at Your discretion, don’t abandon us. Amen.
Please pray for 1. Good health and healing for my entire family most specially for Susan, Mike, Robert Michael and all patients of Dr