Dear Lord, I am asking that you continue to look over Brenda Curry that you bless her with her own place soon so that she won’t have to move to Georgia. You know her situation Lord. She have to be out of her transition apt by June. Also Lord, I am asking you that you look over all my classmates as we continue our written and skills test so that we will pass all of them. Lord, I just want you to continue to bless me with a new car so I can be able to go to school and places where I need to go such as taking kids to school, doctor appts and grocery stores. Lord hear our prayers… Amen
Cerere specială de rugắciune pentru fiica mea bolnavă Dragắ Tatắ ceresc, Dumnezeul nostru cel mai milostiv și milostiv, te rog sắ ai milắ de
Gesica Maria