i need ALIEN CREATURES THAT WEAR BLACK METAL OUTFITS TO BE REMOVED FROM MY HOUSE AND THEIR VOICES AND DECEPTION, AFFLICTIONS AND TORMENT ON MY BODY AND MIND TO BE ELIMINATED FORM MY HOUSE AND FORM MY SPIRIT AND SOUL AND FOR THEM TO NEVER BE ABLE TO LOCATE OR FIND ME AGAIN NO MATTER WHERE I GO. they spoke to me and said they are suppose to rule the heavens and not me. they have hurt me physically with affliction and voices and pushed me around the house for 8 years. i seen one visibly one night, but all they other nights and day, i can just feel attacks and voices in my ear to deceive me. they actually look like the star wars character . i been in the hospital twice for suicide because of them speaking to me and afflicting me and watching me day and night . some times i feel like i breathing in evil substance. i got punched in the stomach really hard with their fist and i felt fingers and a hand touched my face one night. THEY MUST GO . I MUST BE DELIVERED FORM WHAT EVER DIMENSION OR PIT I WAS PUT IN SPIRITUALLY. PLEASE MY REQUEST IS TO FOR THEM TO LOOSE SIGHT OF ME AND CANT EVER EVER FIND ME AND FOR ME TO BE SET FREE From THE SPIRITUAL PIT THAT THE ALIEN SAID I WONT BE DELIVERED FROM. MOST IMPORTANT IS I NEED the father in heaven to make sure all of them leave and never return. i have to get my health restored because of them and they attacked my skin on e night over a year ago and i still waiting for the spots on my fave and arm to fade. they constantly imitate voices of people and make me think others are talking to me , then later on they will tell me it was them. they seem to know how to imitate any humans voice. they enjoy battling me day and night and they seem to prefer to attack me in groups and lots of voices , they have feelings and expressions of humans. i feel envy and hatred form them before the attack me. they attack my uterus and tongues so i wont pray. they tell me i can have the things God has for me and they fight my faith full blast every time i confess the word. they know every thought i think. i hide in the bathroom to pray so prayers. i take shower and night with my bathroom light OFF SO THEY CANT SSE ME FOR THE Last FIVE YEARS. they attack me with evil powers when im on phone with loved ones. they told me they are keeping my real husband form finding me and coming into my life . they are at war with my fiat too get married. i got hit in the stomach twice after i got a student loan. i got stuck with a sharp object after my daughter got her school loan in 2010 Year. they get upset when i look in the mirror and want to disfigure my face and they are trying me make me go insane. seen and felt something so evil looking at me one night and i knew when it looked at me it was going to drive me in sane but the Lord saved me a large light form the ceiling and the evil entity disappeared, but i knew it was sent from the aliens. one other morning before i woke up. i felt a strong evil powers on my mind ,, it was so evil my intuition told me if i dont turn the radio on immediately i was going to go insane. so i turned the radio on and immediately this evil force stooped.. i seen it watching me again later on months later but i just keep praying. . one night i woke up because i seen in what i think was a vision of a group of the star war creature ALIENS ALL COMING DOWN ON TIP OF MY ROOF AT ONE TIME .( they all had black metal outfits form head to their long black metal grown)… then i heard a voice whisper to me that “they will not make resident here”.. i knew immediately God wanted me to get up off the couch and confess it. i did and i went back to sleep. i never seen them visually again. but i know and here them talking to my mind and attacking me spirituality and attacking my soul with affliction , torment and captivity. Ii feel like they CAPTURED ME AND I WANT God to set me free. i feel like God the Father told me that these (aliens are what coming on the earth). over 4 years ago when i was in the kitchen i felt Gods voice telling me no most humans wont be able to survive what im going through and that they only last for a year or less. i was shocked because these ALIENS have tried to take my life so many times over the last 8 years. it started in 2008. PLEASE ASK GOD ALMIGHTY TO REMOVED THE ALIEN CREATURES FORM MY HOUSE AND MY BODY , SOUL AND SPIRIT FOREVER AND PERMANENTLY AND THEY FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE THEY WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO LOCATE ME OR TARGET ME NO MATTER HOW MUCH I LIKE TO PRAY AND REACH GOD . its like they permeate the atmosphere of my house like waves of jello or something. I CRY OUT FOR MERCY AND JUSTICE AND HELP .PLEASE PLEASE THIS IS LIKE A LIFE AND DEATH SITUATION FOR MY CALLING WITH GOD. yesterday i found out by an angel that these ALIENS ARE CONFESSING THAT I WILL BE DISREGARDED. they must leave me once and for all. thank you so much and GOD BLESS YOU ALL
Praying for my husband and for him to turn back to God. Healing him and our marriage help us find the love we once