Lord, A man called Mukhammed borrowed from me $50,000 USD last year, 10 months back he stopped talking to me and left dubai and he is enjoying life in another country and i am stuck paying his loan in Dubai. I gave this money with a good heart and he cheated me, time is running out as end of AUGUSTt it is due, i don’t want to go to Jail, but i have no way of paying this amount back. Please Jesus make this man pay it back to me, so that i can be set free. I am scared. I don’t want to go to Jail. Please come to my aid Jesus. My enemy is enjoying while i am suffering. Time is running out. Please Jesus come to my aid.
Jesus, please grant me a job transfer and promotion As a LEAD ROLE back to Canada, without a loss in pay or wage per hour. I need to have $30/hour to live normally. The Position is called LEAD, I have my second interview today and one more when i pass the second. My rent is over on October 25. Please open a job transfer as a LEAD position for me in Toronto, Jesus before my rent is due again. Until i move, shelter me from every evil in my work place in Dubai as there are many with decision power that is trying to destroy me and people making schemes, rumours and plans to fire me. I am not able to do this on my own and would like prayer for the Holy Spirit to be with me while interviewing. I really want to go back home to CANADA and do this job role.
Heavenly father, please remove debt from my father, the amount is huge, $200,000. He is 67, our family has always had this curse of debt for the last 25 years.
I ask for Mercy in my marriage. I married without heeding advice from my family and pastors. I am suffering in a loveless marriage where i am being hurt, dreams broken and feeling lifeless and useless, my debt of $50,000 mentioned above is causing me pain. I ask for prayer for Jesus to release me from this marriage where i am being made to feel constantly a failure, a bad husband and a man who is always never capable. Please Jesus release me from this marriage, don’t punish me for asking for prayer to be set free to live life in peace. I don’t want my dreams to be crushed anymore by my partner. Please set me free Jesus from my partners Islamic Forces.