Amanda 27 yrs old is in hospital since November 5 2017 she has same condition as her 8 yr old son Jadon Kalp gain of function stat one gene mutation and mucocutanias canididias type 1 diabetes low t cells low white cells anemia low igg level and had a bone marror biopsy on oct 19 2017 please also pray for Denise mastro my 60 yr old care taker and She aided a lpn jade benco 40 yrs old for help to take care of me and moved in her son kaleb ruth 7 yrs old as well Tara mastro is denises daughter who lives in California and we live in Pennsylvania
Cerere specială de rugắciune pentru fiica mea bolnavă Dragắ Tatắ ceresc, Dumnezeul nostru cel mai milostiv și milostiv, te rog sắ ai milắ de
Gesica Maria