Heavenly Father Lord God, I am coming to you today with a heavy heart filled with regret over the past, and anxiety for the future. I need a miracle for my medical compensation claim to be passed and fully reinstated, Holy Spirit please enlighten all concerned to progress this quickly and in my favour. I am out of work, and my finances are in deep trouble. Grant me peace of mind, so I can fill my life with your goodness and grace. Guide me toward a good job where I may fulfill my needs as a better and wiser person. Thank you Lord, for listening to me and helping me today. Life is not always easy, but I will strive to remember that You are always there to help me As you are right in this moment. Thank you!
Ich bitte um Hilfe für meinen Bruder Philipp, für sein ungeborenes, dass es getauft wird. Für seine finanzielle Lage bitte ich auch um Hilfe