Please Pray for Michael Perez in Richmond Hill Georgia to be forgiven from his Sins and Inquity through the blood of Jesus Christ Yeshua Ha Mashiach Amen.
Pray for Michael Perez in Richmond Hill, Georgia, United States to be a better deciple of Lord Jesus Christ and bear good fruit and to love others as Lord Jesus Christ hasLoves us.
Please Pray for Marrige Restoration for Dina Loi Perez and Michael Perez in Richmond Hill Georgia. For Dina to change her mind and heart and to give her husband Michael another chance. Pray that The Almighty Holy Heavenly Father will guide and direct Dina to give another chance to her husband Michael to restore her Marrige and keep her family her two children and husband together living under one roof in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazereth Yeshua Ha Moshiach Amen.