My dear, sweet, delightful 30 year old son, Evan, who is my only child, with a heart of gold, is now Extremely Sick! He has already endured WAY, too many Sad and Traumatic events in his life, None of which, he caused or Deserved. Evan is now Terribly ILL, and I FEAR for his LIFE ! He acquired Hepatitis C, TWICE now. Neither time was his fault. His LIVER is now, Very Badly DAMAGED!! It happened SO quickly, and he Might DIE, from the Severity of his symptoms! He has been Hospitalized twice, this past month! Evan has dealt with Grand Mal Seizures, and he is Disabled, for his Shoulders alone, (They’re Fractured & Deformed) after having four failed surgeries, to fix them. They Dislocate Easily, almost daily. It is Excruciating. He has had no father to help raise and guide him. Awful things have happened to him. And things just keep Getting, Progressively Worse. His Sad, Difficult life is now, practically Hopeless.. Evan is Hurting VERY deeply:(emotionally, physically & spiritually) and he’s Scared. Though, he remains Cheerful, so he Won’t upset others. He’s suffered with Insomnia, Every Night, since he was a Child. Now, he has a Terrifyingly, Severe Liver Disease, in Addition to all of the rest. Most men would have fallen apart long ago. JESUS, PLEASE, Perform a MIRACLE HEALING ! SAVE his LIFE !! I know that he is So Depressed (& AFRAID!) that he doesn’t want to live any more. He’s been drinking for two years, to Ease his Chronic Pain and High Anxiety. Because he had No Doctor, to Help him, during that time. He is the Last person to Deserve such Constant Suffering! (Ever since Childhood.) And NOW, THIS !? Sudden & BAD Liver Disease!? It’s ALL been So MUCH More than a Person Could Handle. I PRAY, with my Heart and Soul, that YOU will HEAL his HEP C (injured liver) and Make it HEALTHY again! PLEASE, SAVE EVAN’S LIFE !! I CAN’T LOSE my SON !! ALSO, Help Ease, All of the causes of his endless Suffering. I would trade places with him, instantly, if it was possible. JESUS, PLEASE, MAKE EVAN HEALTHY and KEEP HIM SAFE. Let him get to KNOW & LOVE YOU! END his Seizures & Night Terrors! CALM his endless Anxiety & Enable him to SLEEP, PEACEFULLY For 8 Hours a Night ! Let Him HEAL. BLESS him with GRACE, LOVE & TURN HIS LIFE AROUND. Let Evan Have HAPPINESS for a CHANGE. AND GOOD HEALTH.
I will Worship you, Til the end of Eternity, Just PLEASE, JESUS.. PLEASE, HEAL EVAN. Make his Liver, Like NEW Again. Give him Renewed, GOOD health, AND, PROTECT HIM, from ALL forms of Harm. AND, PLEASE, SAVE HIM and LOVE HIM. I PRAY for THESE MIRACLES, in The Names of The SAINTS, Angels, Mother Mary, and Most of all, YOU. Thank YOU, for Listening. Amen
Please make it possible to have my appointment For the endoscopy to happen in time. Thank you.