Infinite vast oceans of ever increas. growth in Divine: wisdom,guid.,direction,ever.increas. help & assist.,evr.growing clarity,lucidity,depth & sharpness of both knowl.,adeptness,skills,under-standing,awareness into handling every,any&all our realestate,vehicle,medical,household issues of:repair vs.replace.,repairs&maint.,replacement,upgrades,remodeling,refurbish.,timing etc for both us & EVERYONE of our awesome:contractors,subs,their resp.workers,srv.people,legal&finan.
advisors&their staff. Evr.increas.conversion to fullness of the Faith for these wonderful people & Divine IRONCLAD domes of protection for them & their immed. fams.&kids&grandkids
Prayer for whole body healing. All sickness be gone all lumps be gone. Heal my neck and colon