My son Austin has been chronically ill since he was a little boy. Austin was a follower of Jesus and a Christian. He has become ill to the point where he can no longer function and at the age of 24 has renounced his belief in God because he says that God abandoned him and has never heard his prayers for himself or others. Austin has lost the ability to see properly as well as hear and he suffers from chronic head pain and what the doctors believe are seizures; he has fibromylagia and epstein barr virus, Ibs and systemic allergies. My son needs a physical, emotional , mental and spiritually healing. He is angry because he has never been able to lead a normal life. I am asking God to heal Austin and save his soul. I am asking the Lord to give Austin peace in his life and put the pieces of his life back together. I asking the Lord to give us the right doctors that will enable to help my son function as a young man. Please join me in prayer for my son Austin.
I pray for my son-in-laws mother, Kim, who is also my dear friend, to be healed of the cancer that was just diagnosed. She