Lord Jesus Christ, only begotten son of the Almighty Father, the incarnate word, I come to you in great need.
Have mercy on me, a sinner. Please forgive the weakness of my faith. With you, all things are possible.
I don’t want to sound ungrateful, but I know this battle that I’m fighting isn’t over. I’ve only been given a temporary reprieve. The enemy has lost none of their momentum, they’re just as monstrous as ever.
For over 3 years, I have said the Holy Rosary and countless other prayers to prevent Disney from making Elsa from Frozen a lesbian, and still they continue to defy your immutable laws.
It grieves me to see entertainment companies force the LGBT’s immoral agenda on children. I will never get to watch Beauty and the Beast with my daughter, and we’ll never sit down and watch Star Wars as a family. They’ve ruined Arthur, they’ve ruined Toy Story, they’ve ruined Power Rangers, the list goes on.
I have two nephews now. It horrifies me to think about the world they’re going to grow up in.
Lord Jesus Christ, you can do all things. I know you’ve been there for me in the past, despite my shortcomings. Please don’t let this tragedy come to pass, please don’t let my prayers be for nothing.
The LGBT has taken too much from your faithful followers. This nightmare has gone on far too long. Please crush their immoral agenda and make your glory known in their destruction.
Lord Jesus Christ, please forgive the weakness of my faith, but I’ve suffered too much. It looks like we’re losing the culture war, and most days it seems like I’m the only one who cares. Please don’t continue to let these tragedies come to pass. Please punish these wicked men and women who dare teach children to sin against you and nature and to be proud of it.
I will continue to say the Holy Rosary every night. I beg anyone reading this to do the same.