To be delivered from the devil attacking me in Jesus name and Melinda the ghost to leave my home and William Cornell 3rd the ghosts to leave my home and for them both to leave me alone in Jesus name. Jesus can and has healed me in Jesus name by his stripes Carla ann Kiesau is healed. To not masturbate to have pure thoughts to be pure and chaste in Jesus name for melinda and William to go to heaven in Jesus name. That they don't feel afraid to go to the light and leave earth. To forgive myself for everything. And to forgive everyone who harmed me in Jesus name. To be happy and joyous. To love like Jesus. To be able to volunteer at horse ranch in Jesus name with no problems. To be God's and a mystic again in Jesus name. To stand firm in my healing. For pastor clements and his family in Jesus name and lwcc. Church
Dieu de gloire donne moi la réussite et le succès dans tout les domaines dans ma vie.