Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare GIDEON EMERY! CALL OF DUTY GIDEON EMERY SPIRIT! Can you hear us hannah and charlotte. Call Of Duty GIDEON EMERY. Call of duty GIDEON EMERY SPIRIT. GIDEON EMERY SPIRIT and SOUL… please can you appear as a ghost (visiblize) your self in the church of the holy selphure in the photos that the person takes, show yourself in the candle photos they take. We want to see your whole face more clearly and your details features this time maybe your body too in the photo. When the person takes our photos in the church, in the photo appear visibly infront of the camera so the person can photograph you please for a special sign for us please. Appear as a ghost visblize yourself when the photos are taken please we love you LOVE YOU SOOO MUCH,KISS LOVE YOU HANDSOME SOLDIER. PLEASE Amen. please call of duty gideon also can you tell us what is going on when how are you gonna get here. Whats your plans eg. Easter stuff? Harper getting here holy release of harper? Harper stuff? Tell us gideon. What do we do to get you in this house with us physically. Easter stuff? Getting your easter stuff done, will that get you here? Like your orginal idea was you was gonna do easter stuff give it to us then after that you then go off and get yourself physically here. Then You physically come be in reality out of nowhere over the cause of your easter stuff. Please make another break through happen please amen. I mean if you could come to us out of nowhere by chance then you can get your self here after….. easter stuff? Perhaps. Just getting yourself here is all we want of you so we can have a life with you call of duty gideon. Anyway please do what we said in the prayer Tell us. Talk with us the stuff been talked to you about give us answers to our questions. and prove yourself and use your powers 'do it yourself'. Amen.
Call of duty gideon please can you tell me hannah when do i do the holy release of harper with you. What day? When do i start it for you? Please tell me what day you want to create it and come to me and do it with me. Tell me in my head just like sam wheat from ghost 1990 how he told oda brown (medium lady) instructions from the power of 'hearing' voice
in head do that kinda communcation with me gideon. Make your voice get louder easy clear to hear like how it was when you first came to life be like that again just for the holy release of harper creating and temple doing. Okay love 'do it yourself ' soon with me amen.
FATHER, WE OUR COMING TO YOU NOW IN THE NAME OF YOUR SON JESUS CHRIST, I am asking for ÿour deviné intervention in Andrew