Most Heavenly Father,
I pray for immediate release for my husband! I pray for renewed strength, good health, and prosperity. Shower my family with your grace, mercy and favor every day and keep us safe with your arms of protection. Grant my family wisdom and discernment to deal with ungodly people and life’s challenges and decisions to be made. I also prayer for the families that have lost loved ones this past year to COVID-19, comfort them Father and give their hearts a peace that
surpasses all understanding. I pray for the leaders of all countries that differences and misunderstandings may be resolved in a civil manner. May you continue to be a light upon our journey. These and all other blessings I ask in your name Jesus. Amen.
Ich bitte um Hilfe für meinen Bruder Philipp, für sein ungeborenes, dass es getauft wird. Für seine finanzielle Lage bitte ich auch um Hilfe