Jesus Christ held a special place in his heart for children. In Luke 18:16 states, “But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belows to such as these.” It’s important to remember that adults are not the only people that can make a prayer request. In fact, a child prayer request is something that may be more powerful than any prayer request that an adult may put together.
You will receive photos of your printed prayer request placed on the Stone of Anointing; the place where Jesus’ body was prepared for burial after his crucifixion.
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Child’s Prayer for Protection
There are two types of child’s prayer for protection that a person may pray depending on their situation. The first type of prayer may come from a child. It’s always possible that a child may feel nervous or overwhelmed or even scared when it comes to something that is going on in their life. An example of a child’s prayer for protection that they may pray can include:
Dear God,
I’m scared regarding *insert worry*. Please provide me with your protection and guidance through these struggling times so that I can continue to focus on the goals and direction that you have for me. In your name I pray, Amen.
There are also several examples of prayers that a parent may pray for the protection of their child. Here is a powerful example of a prayer for children that a parent may pray:
Heavenly Father,
I pray for your protection over my child emotionally, physically and spiritually. Please keep them far from evil and help them always to understand your loving presence. You are their strength and their refuge. Please provide my child with protection that they need to be successful in their life and be a vessel of peace. Amen.
A Child’s Prayer
“A Child’s Prayer” is one of the popular hymns that several children and parents enjoy as their child is working through developing their own faith. The lyrics associated with this song are powerful and are as follows:
Heavenly Father, are you really there?
And do you hear and answer ev’ry child’s prayer?
Some say that heaven is far away,
But I feel it close around me as I pray.
Heavenly Father, I remember now
Something that Jesus told disciples long ago:
“Suffer the children to come to me.”
Father, in prayer I’m coming now to thee.
Unborn Child Prayer
Learning that you’re pregnant is a truly special event in your life. It’s understandable that you would want to say as many prayers for your unborn child or a prayer for a baby as you possibly can. Here is an example of unborn child prayer that you and your family can pray:
I thank You for this baby and I give my pregnancy to You, praying that throughout the whole time You will be there to comfort and encourage and strengthen each member of the family.
I pray that You would place Your hand of blessing on this little human being that is being formed in my womb… may he or she grow up to know You and may they become a mighty person of God.
Thank You for all my children, which have become such a blessing to me – into Your hand I commit myself, my husband, my family and this precious little addition to our home – for which I praise You.
Prayer for Child Having Surgery
The idea of your child having surgery is something that is scary for not only you but your child as well. This is why so many parents opt to pray a prayer for a child having surgery such as:
Dear God,
I know that this surgery is a necessity in our lives right now. Please keep my child safe from harm and bless the doctors who are performing the surgery. I know that I can trust in you. Amen.

Children’s Lord’s Prayer
The Lord’s Prayer is also known as the “Our Father”. This is a powerful prayer that Jesus gave his followers but it is also simple enough for any child to understand. The Lord’s Prayer goes as follows:
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your Kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours. Now and forever. Amen
Prayer for Child Misbehaving
A child misbehaving is something that every parent or guardian typically deals with at some point. However, there are certain times where this misbehavior is something that can test the limits of even the most patient parent or guardian. Here is an example of a prayer for a child misbehaving that may bring you comfort:
Dear God,
Please hear this prayer for my child misbehaving. Help me to have the patience that I need to handle these difficult moments and give my child the gentle touch that they need to listen to the advice and guidance around them. In your name I pray, Amen.