Making a daily personal prayer request is something that can be a life changing experience. There are several reasons why a Christian or a Catholic may opt to make a daily personal prayer request. For example, they may have certain prayers for their family that they want to convey to God or they may have prayers for the sick in their life that they want to remember. Regardless of the reasons behind your daily personal prayer request, you will have the peace of mind of knowing that God will hear your prayers and provide you with the guidance that you need.
You will receive photos of your printed prayer request placed on the Stone of Anointing; the place where Jesus’ body was prepared for burial after his crucifixion.
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Daily Prayers for My Children
It’s not uncommon for a parent to say daily prayers for their children. In the back and forth of the day, you may find it difficult to sit down and write or say daily prayers for my children. However, one of the beautiful things about prayer is the fact that you can make prayers for your children something completely unique and individual to you and your needs. Here is an example of a daily prayer for your children that you can use in your prayer requests:
Heavenly Father,
I humbly ask that you hear this prayer for my children and keep them under your special care and protection. I know that you will always hear the prayers of those that follow you with all of their heart. Please hear my prayers for my little ones and keep them close to your protection at all times. In your name, I pray. Amen.

Daily Prayers for My Husband
Saying daily prayers for your husband is something that is standard for many people all over the world. Finding the right type of daily prayers for my husband is key in feeling the peace that comes along with prayer. Here is a daily prayer that you can use when praying for your husband:
Please keep my husband and his intentions close to your heart. I kindly ask you to look lovingly on what is in his soul and help him to continue to take steps which will bring him closer to you while still strengthening our marriage. Amen.
Daily Prayers for My Wife
Saying daily prayers for your wife is something that you can do at any point during your day. Whether you’re sitting in traffic on the way to work or you’re settling down at the end of your day, here is an example of a daily prayer that you can pray for your wife:
Dear God,
Keep my wife safe and protected at all times. Help us to continue to work toward the goals that you have for us as man and wife and always look lovingly on our marriage. Amen.

Daily Night Prayers
There are many people who feel a deeper connection with God at night which is one of the leading reasons why they may make the decision to say night prayers. Is there anything more peaceful than falling asleep knowing that God’s grace and love is around you? Here is an example of a daily night prayer that you can pray:
Dear God,
Please hear these night prayers and keep me safe and protected throughout my sleep. I thank you for giving me a wonderful day and I hope that I have used it according to your wishes of glorifying you. Amen.
Daily Prayer - Catholic
If you’re Catholic, you may want to incorporate a Catholic prayer request into your daily prayers. A Catholic prayer is unique in the sense that you can include different prayers to the saints such as a prayers to St. Jude or prayers to St. Rita. Here is an example of a daily prayer that is Catholic that you can use:
I know that you know what is in my heart. I come to you this day and ask that you take my daily prayers and pay special attention to them. I ask that you give me the courage and understanding that I need to follow your will and know that everything that happens in my life is for a reason. Amen.
Daily Prayers for Strength
Strength is something that is important in the life of every person. Therefore, it makes sense that prayers for strength is something that an individual would include in their daily prayer requests. If you are looking inspiration when it comes to a daily prayer for strength, here is an example of one that you can use:
Heavenly Father,
I humbly ask that you provide me with strength on this day to face all of the trials and tribulations that may currently be in my life. I know that you and you alone can give me strength. Please hear these prayers and provide me with the direction that I need. In your name, I pray. Amen.