Needing prayers is something that every person, regardless of whether they are Christian or not, needs in their life. Therefore, when you’re needing prayers, putting together a comprehensive prayer request asking for help and guidance is something that can benefit you immensely. When you’re needing prayers, you can always turn to your friends and family and ask that they pray for you so that you can work through the various aspects of the struggles that you may be going through in your life. For instance, you may need prayers for your family or you may need prayers for strength as you go through a difficult tribulation in your life.
Don’t forget, you may be needing prayers for all of the good things that are going on in your life as well. Regardless of your reason for needing prayers, you should always have the comfort and the peace of mind of knowing that God will be there with you and for you every step of the way.
You will receive photos of your printed prayer request placed on the Stone of Anointing; the place where Jesus’ body was prepared for burial after his crucifixion.
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In Need of Prayers
If you’re in need of prayers and you want to put together a powerful prayer request to God to help to support the fact that you are in need of prayers, here is an example of a prayer request that you can make:
Dear God,
I feel so lost in my life and I’m in desperate need of prayers. Please hear this prayer and help those around me to know that I’m in need of prayers. I know that you have a plan for everything that is in my life.

Why Is Praying Important
If a person were to ask you “why is praying important?” what exactly would you say to them? The odds are that your answer to this important question would be very different from that of another person. The reality is that praying is important for a variety of reasons including:
- Prayer helps to provide you with comfort and understanding from God when you’re most in need
- Prayer can help you to feel closer to others that share your faith and belief in the word of God
- Prayer can help to provide you with the peace that you may need in your life to always take one step at a time as you make your way through different struggles or triumphs in your life.

Needing Prayer Quotes
Although there are many people that turn to the bible to find inspiration when it comes to putting a powerful prayer together, there are many other people who have offered their own sentiments when it comes to Christianity and quotes that will help to support other Christians. Here are some examples of needing prayer quotes that others have offered:
- “To get nations back on their feet, we must first get down on our knees.” – Billy Graham
- “Have you any days of fasting and prayer? Storm the throne of grace and persevere therein, and mercy will come down.” – John Wesley
- “None can believe how powerful prayer is, and what it is able to effect, but those who have learned it by experience. It is a great matter when in extreme need to take hold on prayer.” – Martin Luther
Of course, you can always make the decision to look for spiritual inspiration in a more traditional way by looking to the Bible for help. Here are some examples of needing prayer quotes from the bible:
- Philippians 4:5-7
“Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” - Colossians 4:2
“Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving.”
I Need to Pray
Every day there are countless people who come to the realization of “I need to pray”. There are several ways that you can find time to pray throughout your day. From praying with your prayer group, to making more time to go to mass to praying night prayers before bed, there are countless ways that you can take time in your day to be with God.