There are people that pray for faith for many different reasons. Whether you want to pray for faith because you maybe yourself questioning your faith or you simply need to ask for a prayer request to restore your faith, you can rest assured that when these prayers are said with your whole heart, God will hear every word and provide you with the security of knowing that your prayers will be answered.
You will receive photos of your printed prayer request placed on the Stone of Anointing; the place where Jesus’ body was prepared for burial after his crucifixion.
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Praying for Faith
One of the incredible things about praying for faith is the fact that you can make these prayers as unique as you need them to be. Praying for faith is something that can be simple and straightforward or you can opt to put together something that is more meaningful or personal. If you feel as though you need inspiration when it comes to praying for faith or praying for guidance, here is an example of a prayer that you can use:
Dear God,
I’m struggling with my faith right now. I’m asking that you send your Holy Spirit down on me and provide me with the inspiration and the guidance that I need to restore my faith and bring me closer to you. Amen.

Prayers for Faith and Hope
Oftentimes, prayers for faith and prayers for hope is something that goes hand in hand. When you have hope, you will have the faith that you need to continue on in whatever challenges may be facing you in your life. If you need guidance when it comes to prayers for faith and hope, here is an example of a prayer that you can use:
I implore you to hear my prayers for faith and hope. I know that all things are possible through you and with you. I ask that you provide me with the faith that I need to continue to take steps through all of the challenges that I may be facing and continue to grow in my faith relationship with you.
Prayer for Faithful Departed
A prayer for the faithful departed is something that a person often says in connection with their prayers for the dead. The passing of a loved one is something that can be often difficult to manage for the loved ones that are left behind. A prayer for the faithful departed can go as follows:
I’m struggling through the death of my loved one. However, I humbly ask you to hear this prayer for the faithful departed as my loved one and help them to transition into their everlasting life with you. I know that one day I will see them again. Amen.

Prayers for Faith and Trust in God
Prayers for trust and reassurance from God can provide someone with an incredible sense of comfort. When you open yourself to God’s loving presence, you will feel all of the benefits from it.
Dear God,
I put my entire faith and trust in you. I know that you will never guide me astray. Please help me to always understand that you have a plan for me. Although I may not always be able to understand your plan, help me to always trust that you will lead me to what is best in my life. In your name, I pray. Amen.
Prayers for Help with Anxiety
Anxiety is something that can be incredibly challenging for any person to live with which is why people all over the world often say prayers for anxiety. Anxiety is something that can be incredibly debilitating in the life of any person. Often, an individual will turn to God in prayer for help as they try to navigate through this condition. Here is an example of prayers for help with anxiety that a person can pray:
My anxiety is taking over my life. In the times that I feel as though I can’t breathe, I ask that you send me your holy spirit and help me to navigate what I’m thinking and feeling. Help me to take pause so that the anxiety will pass and I can focus on the other important factors in my life. Amen.