A common prayer request that a person typically makes revolves around their family. Although there are many different types of prayer for your family that you can put together, you can also make the meaningful decision to pray with family. Setting aside time to pray with family is something that can help your family to grow in their faith in ways that you may not have expected. From talking about different aspects of your faith that you may have been afraid to talk about before to developing a better understanding of faith from your family, taking time to pray with family is something that can help to develop the bond you have as family members.
You will receive photos of your printed prayer request placed on the Stone of Anointing; the place where Jesus’ body was prepared for burial after his crucifixion.
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Prayer with Family
Prayer with family is something that can help you to build a special relationship with God as well as other members in your family. Prayer with family is a special time each day that you can spend with the people in your life that you love the most. Here is an example of a prayer with family that you can pray with the people you love:
Heavenly Father,
Please hear the words in this prayer with my family. These are the people that are the most important to me in my life. I humbly ask you to keep my loved ones under your special protection and help all of us to take steps toward living your Will. In your name I pray, Amen.

Pray with Faith
Whenever you pray, you are always supposed to pray with faith. The great thing about prayer is the fact that you can pray for faith on your own and you can also make this a family style event. If you need inspiration for more faith as you say your unique prayer requests, here is an example of a prayer that you can incorporate into your daily prayers:
Dear God,
I know that all things are possible through you. I ask that you hear my prayers and help to enhance and increase the faith that I have in you. I know that the closer I get to you, I can help my family members and those around me to bring them closer to you. Amen.
Praying with Family and Friends
God doesn’t want you to hold the faith that you have in him inside. Instead, he wants you to share it as much as you possibly can. Therefore, you can set aside time for praying with family and friends. Putting together time for group prayer is something that can help you to develop these special connections in your life and grow in your own religion. Here is an example of a prayer that you can use during your time in prayer:
Please help me to develop a close relationship with you by praying with family and family. As we raise our voices in prayer, we will have a better understanding of the plans that you have for each one of us. Amen.
Online Praying
There has been a noticeable rise in the amount of people who take advantage of online praying. This is something that is done for a number of reasons. For instance, there are many people who are unable to leave their home as a result of physical issues. Therefore, they turn to online praying as a way to connect with not only God but with others that share your faith. Joining prayer groups or being part of a bible study are all great ways that you can connect with others through online praying. Here is an example of a prayer that you can pray to find the right medium for your prayer intentions:
Heavenly Father,
Even though I can’t pray with others in person right now, I ask that you hear the words that I say when I’m online praying. I ask that you guide me in finding a group of people online that I can connect with that will help me to grow my faith and understanding of you. Amen.

Praying for Family and Marriages
One of the most important forms of prayer that you may pray is a prayer for your marriage and your family. One of the beautiful things about prayer is the fact that you have the flexibility to make your prayer individual and unique to you. Here is an example of a prayer that you can say when praying for family and marriages:
Dear God,
I ask that you guide the steps that I’m taking to unify my family and my marriage. Please help us to live each day glorifying your glory and living in such a way that is acceptable to you. Amen.