Faith is the cornerstone in the life of countless Christians and Catholics all over the world. Therefore, it makes sense that their prayer request would always include a prayer for faith. One of the wonderful things about developing a prayer for faith is the fact that your prayer can include anything that you feel is special to you. Your prayer for faith is something that can be long and complicated. However, if you’re new to the faith or you feel as though you cannot find the right works for your prayer for faith, this prayer request is something that can be short and specific.
You will receive photos of your printed prayer request placed on the Stone of Anointing; the place where Jesus’ body was prepared for burial after his crucifixion.
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Faithful Prayers
Faith is something that can help a person get through so many difficult situations. However, there are many people who feel as though their faith may be faltering at certain points in their life. In turn, they may make the decision to pray faithful prayers in hopes that their undying love of God will help them to get through those situations. If you feel as though you need help and inspiration for your faithful prayers, here is an example of one that you can use:
Please hear this prayer request and use it to strengthen my faith in you. Help me to always see the path that you’re showing to me. Even if it’s not one that I may want to follow. Amen.

Faithful Prayers for Catholics
The list of faithful prayers for Catholics is something that could go on endlessly. Some of the more traditional faithful prayers for Catholics that are often used in a Catholic prayer request include the Our Father which goes as follows:
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.
There are many other Catholics who also have a special devotion to the Virgin Mary. Although they may feel a special connection the the Our Lady of Lourdes prayer or the Our Lady of Fatima prayer, the tried and true prayer that many Catholics turn to is the Hail Mary which goes as follows:
Hail Mary, Full of Grace, The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death.

Why Prayer
Why is it that so many people turn to prayer and prayer requests throughout their life? The reason why prayer is so critical in the life of so many people is an easy question to answer, however, there is typically more than just one answer to this question. Here are just a few reasons why prayer is so important:
- Prayer helps you to develop and maintain a better relationship with God
- Prayer can give you the peace of mind of knowing that God is there with you all the time
- Prayer allows you to make requests of God not only for yourself but for other people that you truly care about
By speaking to God through prayer, you will come to find that a certain level of peace will come over your life as God sends his holy spirit down upon on.
Prayers for Faith and Trust in God
Above all, prayers for faith and trust in God are something that can have a life changing impact on the course of the life of any person. Therefore, you should always set aside time to pray prayers for faith and trust in God not only for yourself but on behalf of all of the people around you that you love and care about. Here is one example of a powerful prayer that you can use:
Dear God,
I know that you are there with me all of the time. I humbly ask that you provide me with the faith and trust I need in you so that I can navigate through the challenges in my life. I know that when I have faith in you, all things are possible. Amen.
Prayer for Guidance and Faith
Your faith is one of the most important aspects of your life. Therefore, a prayer for guidance and faith is something that should be well thought out and strong. Here is an example of such a prayer:
Heavenly Father,
I ask that you always be my guiding light and help me to keep my faith in you strong. I know that I may face certain challenges throughout my day and in my life. However, I know that through your will and with your guidance, I will never be led astray. In your name I pray, Amen.