Often, when a person is struggling with something in their life, they turn to God with a holy prayer request in an effort to be able to help them to manage what they are thinking and feeling. As the Christian faith continues to grow, there are several prayer ministries that have developed that can provide a person with a deeper and healthier connection with God. Here are five examples of powerful prayer ministries that offer prayer requests that can help you to better develop your relationship with God.
You will receive photos of your printed prayer request placed on the Stone of Anointing; the place where Jesus’ body was prepared for burial after his crucifixion.
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1. 700 Club Prayer Request
The 700 Club is part of the Christian Broadcasting Network. The 700 Club has been on the air since 1966 and day in and day out, Christians from all over the country submit 700 Club prayer requests with the peace of mind of knowing that their special intentions will be prayed by other Christians who they turn to for support and guidance. Not only are 700 Club prayer requests part of the show, but it also offers commentary on news and current events as well as Christian ministry in general.
2. Daystar.com Prayer Request
The Daystar Television Network is a faith-based network that has won a myriad of awards. When you submit a Daystart.com prayer request, you will have access to their team of prayer partners. This one-on-one type of interaction can help you to feel a closer connection with other Christians. You have the flexibility to submit a prayer for salvation or you can submit a personal prayer request. Not only can people in the United States offer a daystar.com prayer request but people all over the world can participate in this unique ministry.
3. Holy Land Prayer Request
Holy Land Prayer works to facilitate prayer requests to God from Christians all over the world in a truly unique way. The Holy Land Prayer team takes your prayer intentions and prays them on your behalf at the Church of the Holy Sepluchre which is held to be the location where Jesus rose from the dead on Easter. In turn, their team will e-mail you photos of your prayer request being prayed in the church and they will light a candle on your behalf.
4. JHM.org Prayer Request
A jhm.org prayer request, also known as a Hagee Ministries prayer request has a following all over the world. In fact, Hagee Ministries has reached well over 7 million Christians with their faith based programs. Not only will their prayer team pray the jhm.org prayer requests that you submit through their site but you also have the opportunity to call a dedicated phone number and verbalize your prayers to their team. This can help to give you the instant connection to God that you may need in times of trouble.
5. TBN Prayer Request
TBN, also known as the Trinity Broadcasting Network is known for giving Christians all over the world the opportunity to submit a TBN prayer request. Simply share your name, your message and your e-mail address and their dedicated team will pray your TBN prayer request. Your TBN prayer request may even be prayed during one of their live broadcasts so be sure to tune into their regular broadcasting.