Many Catholics look to the angels to provide them with strength and guidance so that they can continue down the path that God has made for them. This is one of the leading reasons why so many people make a special prayer request to specific saints as well as angels. St. Michael the Archangel is an example of an angel who is venerated through not only a Catholic prayer request but also in Christian and Jewish denominations. Saying a prayer to St. Michael the Archangel can provide you with the strength and the courage that you need to face different situations.
You will receive photos of your printed prayer request placed on the Stone of Anointing; the place where Jesus’ body was prepared for burial after his crucifixion.
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St. Michaels the Archangel Prayer
One of the beautiful things about the St. Michaels the Archangel prayer is the fact that it’s an example of a prayer that is short but powerful. There are many faithful who keep a St. Michael the Archangel prayer card with them so that they can pull out this prayer at any point during their day and pray it. Here is the St. Micahels the Archangel prayer:
“Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen.”
St. Michael’s Prayer of Protection
Every day, people make a prayer for protection to God. Sometimes, these prayers revolve around a safe commute to work. Here is an example of a St. Michael’s prayer of protection that you can use in your daily prayers:
Oh most Noble Prince of the Angelic Hierarchies valorous warrior of Almighty God, and zealous lover of His glory, terror of the rebellious angels, and love and delight of all the just ones, my beloved Archangel Saint Michael, desiring to be numbered among thy devoted servants, I, today offer and consecrate myself to thee, and place myself, my family, and all I possess under thy most powerful protection.
St. Michael’s Prayer Petition
A St. Michael’s prayer petition is a unique way to ask this holy angel for his guidance throughout the difficult times in your life. As the protector of the Jewish people and the Guardian of the Catholic church, a prayer petition to St. Michael often revolves around prayers of faith and hope of a better world. Here is an example of a St. Michael’s prayer petition:
St. Michael,
Please look kindly on this prayer petition and keep all of those that follow the saving grace and love of God safe. Help me to continue on in my journey toward becoming a stronger follower of God and help to keep me safe and protected at all times. In God’s name I pray, Amen.
St. Michael Prayer Warning
There are countless Catholics and Christians who look to St. Michael to not only provide them protection but also provide them with a warning when something is going wrong. While prayers for your family or a loved one may be a wonderful addition to your daily prayer life, there are many people who make the decision to pray a St. Michael prayer warning them of something bad coming on the horizon. If you need inspiration for your St. Michael prayer warning, here is an example of a powerful prayer that you can use:
St. Michael,
I ask that you hear this St. Michael prayer warning plea and you always protect me and my family from any harm that we may face. Please find ways to send us a warning of danger and keep us safe from all harm. I know that all things are possible through God and I humbly ask that you bring my prayers before him. Amen.