Recent Prayers
I pray to God that in his mercy and in the name of his beloved son JESÚS our lord be healed complete my father

Ignacio Antonio
Tanya arora 10/09/1998 Ashish Sharma 30/08/1998 Ashish to confess love feelings for tanya arora and please do mention given birth date in prayer

Healing of a gastro Intestinal issue . May my testing all come back negative for cancer

Боже милостивый, пожалуйста награди и одари меня Николая дарами Святого Духа: Даром слово мудрости, Даром слово знания, Даром Веры, Дарами исцелений,дарами самоисцеления, Дарами чудотворений,

Николай, Елена, Светлана, Иван
Well the hits keep coming..but the blessings are bigger. I am in a loveless abusive thing..(not marrued). Physical and financial problems always made it

St. Jude. Please heal my dearest friend Mracy Marchilena from her cancer. She is the most caring and generous person. She is a nurse

Hello!I want to say a big prayer for my little sister who is suffering from ovarian cancer that has spread to other parts of

Can you please pray for my children & I & Christopher that he is my husband and our relationship will be stronger than ever

Please heal my daughter Zarah let her body be free from cancer and live a healthy happy life protect Zarah Silva

Voglio che i miei figli riescano a superare il concorso per la polizia penitenziaria

Giovanni e William
I am a foreigner in Singapore, and it’s extremely challenging to secure a job here due to strict work pass quotas for foreigners. My

Please pray for me I have inflamed thyroid and I’m worried I have to go bk for other scan pls pray for healing ….my

Winnie barrett /barrett mcdonagh family’s