Recent Prayers
Heavenly Father, please heal my husband ‘s heart and breathing problems! Heal his mind, body and spirit and cover him with Jesus precious blood,

Dear God My Creator, Jesus Christ His Only Son and The Divine Holy Spirit, along with Mary Our Mother. I have received Your Gift

My mom is still at the hospital has stage 4 liver cancer not able to get up from bed doesn’t eat please hear my

Dragă Tată Ceresc care ai făcut cerurile și pământul, în Numele Domnului nostru Iisus Hristos, Te rog să-i dai fiului meu Ioan soția ajutorul

Good genetic testing results for Jack Mathew Brotherton no rare diseases and positive news for vision

Our Lady of Lourdes, I humbly come before you seeking your divine intercession. I pray for the healing of my family. Please pray for

Isabella ,Isaac,Bobby &Queenie
Praying for miracle that my husband Michael and my health will be better. And for my son to be accepted to Caltech for college.

Good genetic testing results for Jack Mathew Brotherton no rare diseases and positive news for vision

Heavenly father please heal me in every way and my husband and family my friends and all children please grant my husband Felix his

I pray that Monico and I work through our problems with God by our side. I pray with love we fix things and move

My marriage needs miracle right now. I want my marriage to be fix. My husband is having an affair with another woman and I

Anna Liza
Please pray for my parents whose heater is broken and they refuse to leave their house. Please pray they do not get sick and

Manuel and Maria