
Deliverance from jail

Im asking that you pray for my best friend Michael M. Martin. He has been sitting in jail almost 2yrs for something he didn't do. A week after he was arrested Michael's daughter was born on Christmas day. He has missed out on so much because of something he did not do. Please pray Michael […]

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1-Pray God to meet me where I am and send a husband 2-Praying for full custody of my child to be able raise in Gods ways 3-Forgiveness/respect healthy Co-parenting relationship 4-health/longevity for my parents 5- To be able to move out of New York 6- keep my family safe and direction during these scary times

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prayer for Gods protection, deliverance this week, to receive the promise. Prayer for the right doors to open, new job, new apartment, meet the right people. Prayer for truth to overtake every lie and situation presented in my life. For Gods justice and righteous hand to protect me from everything coming against me. For those

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Soulmate for Life

I've been in love and I've been alone. The man I want to be with finally came looking for me. It was the most exciting time. But, and Ex wife keeps playing games and messing with his head. He is hurting over her games and much as I am hurting over him pulling back from

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