
Prayer for Hope

Please Lord show me your grace, your mercy, your Holy Will. Soften hard hearts, straighten crooked paths, and set us on solid ground. Be our light in the darkness that envelopes our family. Rescue us from this season of anger, bitterness, unforgiveness, and mistrust. Turn it into love, peace, forgiveness, trust and restoration as praise

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Jesus Christ of Nazareth please have pity on me. Take away my worries and heartbreaks. Please end these court cases I have and set me free from the power of delays and disappointments. Lord bless my helpers and people around me. Make me a better person and help me forgive those who caused me so

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Save our Town

A very wicked lady is trying to destroy our town. She is an Atheist and she got on the City Council and is consulting Mediums and doing witchcraft against our town. She says she wants to get rid of our town and donate all the buildings. She is very evil towards anyone that prays or

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FATHER… I thank you for my hopes and dreams, and for… 1. For YOU. Your Grace, Mercy, Forgiveness, Restoration, Protection, Love, Joy, Happiness, Abundance, Blessings, Peace, Guidance, Increase, Promotion, Prosperous Health, Prosperous years, Wisdom, Knowledge, Wealth, my House, my Car, my Animals, Victory that you give me. 2. JESUS, Holy Spirit, all the Angels and

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