
Marraige Restoration for Dina Loi Perez and Michael Perez in Orlando Florida

“Please Pray for Dina Loi Guzman Perez and Michael Perez for Marriage Restoration in Orlando, Florida.” For Dina’s heart to soften for her Marriage and be filled with compassion for her husband that she will come home from the homeless shelter to restore her Marriage with their one year old daughter Sofia to be a

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Marraige Restoration for Dina Loi Perez and Michael Perez in Orlando Florida

“Please Pray for Dina Loi Guzman Perez and Michael Perez for Marriage Restoration in Orlando, Florida.” For Dina’s heart to soften for her Marriage and be filled with compassion for her husband that she will come home from the homeless shelter to restore her Marriage with their one year old daughter Sofia to be a

Marraige Restoration for Dina Loi Perez and Michael Perez in Orlando Florida Read More »

Marriage Restoration

Please Lord, Mary and all the angels, look graciously upon my parents Edouard and Antoinette who have been living separated for more than 20 years. Please reconcile them, bring my father out of sin and bad faith. Bring them back to your church, united and ever loving again. In Jesus name, Amen.

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Marriage Restoration

Please Lord, Mary and all the angels, look graciously upon my parents Edouard and Antoinette who have been living separated for more than 20 years. Please reconcile them, bring my father out of sin and bad faith. Bring them back to your church, united and ever loving again. In Jesus name, Amen.

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