Heavenly Father, I am in need of prayer for my boyfriend Harold Venable to be delivered from his sickness diabetes and never have to take medication or insulin again. I am also praying that I get a financial blessing soon to have for the down payment for my house when it’s time to close so I can move in my house. Lord, I’m in need of prayer that I pass all my test…. Cdl, the test enter medical billing and coding classes. Also, I am praying that I can get funding to start my transportation company. Lord hear all my prayers and bless all of my finances and situations. Lord bless a good friend of mine Latrice Falls that she gets more customers and more orders so she can provide for her family. And her business picks up soon.. Lord hear all of our prayers and concerns. Amen
Father Lord in Heaven, I pray that you take away the cancer from my body and let me be cancer free. Let all the
Ang Pei Ting