Jesus I have met some of the most mean men outside of the church as within. There has not ever been conscious God lead pursual from a God Fearing God Loving man of me. I know God loves me and wants whats best, but I’d like to have a child in a marriage a family. It’s like something goes wrong or I’m overlooked, or men just want to use me and then call me fat and too black. If it’s a curse on my family and I am praying please Jesus just break this curse. Heal me of the wounds and doubt of never being good enough, give me self love. heal me from a controlling mother who can be callous and mean and admits she is this. Please heal me of this and heal her and please Jesus I know it’s your timing, but please let things happen swiftly. Don’t leave me single and alone. I see all these testimonies I’ve been praying steady for 15 years. Please Jesus I envision a different life but I also trust you, just today I woke up feeling so sad and lost and praying for an adventure with my soul mate.
More than anything let me serve you Jesus, I very much pray that I could join the ministry of Jeremy Lin and work with him to alleviate poverty and set people free from the global slave/sex trade. This is my heart, Jesus be a lamp unto my feet, but I pray for things to happen fast. In Jesus name, Amen.
My prayer is for true love and financial blessings to come into my life so that I can bless others
Jessica R