Heavenly Father, I humbly come to you in prayer for my sweet son Dillon Ortiz. Dillon has expressed interest in starting a relationship with a friend named Casper. Casper is a biological girl who struggles with Gender Dysphoria and identifies as transgender. I ask for the Lord to break this relationship. It is very unhealthy for Dillon and to be involved with a person who struggles with mental illness. He is not there to fix Casper and her issues. I ask in the name of Jesus that this relationship with Casper be broken. I pray that the yoke of bondage that is on Dillon because of this relationship be replaced with the freedom that comes in knowing Jesus. I ask that the Lord send Dillon Godly friends who will accept Dillon for the kind soul that he is. I ask that Dillon accept Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. In Jesus name, Amen.
Please Lord I pray for Camila Fernanda Abasolo Quispe, that you help her to refind herself and don’t throw away our relationship, and together