I ask and pray for a fulfilling career such as working in Cameroon at my aunt Annie Tchemcke’s hotel as a event manager and well paid, move out of parent’s house and be independent. The clarification of my criminal record in the United States. Have an affectionate, devoted, engaged relationship, fall more in love and that will lead me to be engaged and to the marriage with my partne and may, may the Almighty Lord soften the heart my mother for my union and accept it by giving us her blessing. Start my own business and be successful.
and be uplifted in the light of the Christed Consciousness while being abundantly supported financially by God. I ask the heavenly divine family to end my financial struggles. And our projects prosper under the blessing of the very most high God in Jesus name I pray. Amen.
Father Lord in Heaven, I pray that you take away the cancer from my body and let me be cancer free. Let all the
Ang Pei Ting